5 Perfect Golf Swing Tips To Quickly Improve Your Game


Many people find golf quite challenging when they are stilling learning basic techniques at the beginning. However, it would become very interesting once they have mastered those skills.

Perfect Golf Swing Picture

Once part of the game that would make golf difficult is that even a small detail would have a significant effect on your shot. Everything always begins with a swing. If you hook or slice the ball, it would cost you a lot your score card. With that in mind, this post will help some you some perfect golf swing tips to help you improve quickly the most important part of the game.

1. Thumbs down, thumbs up

If you are a hooker (hook the ball), then make sure to stop your clubface from closing too early. To achieve this, just have a thumbs-down position at impact. In other words, both of your thumbs should point down to the ground. This kind of movement will help slow the closing of the clubface, thus preventing golf shots which curve to your left or right. Similarly, a thumbs-up position can be effective for slicers (golfers who slice the ball). See our post on how Correct A Golf Slice. View our post on how to Correct a Hook. Follow golf rules requires study. There is plenty of information on the internet 

2. Keep hands low

An effective way to reduce the heights of each shot is to limit the height of your follow-through. In fact, this is one of the simplest perfect golf swing tips to achieve. Keep in mind that the lower your hands are, the lower your ball flight would be.

Moving back the ball in the stance or selecting a stronger golf club can also be used to achieve the same results. However, these techniques are more difficult and less reliable to execute for most people. Instead, just keep the
hands low when finish and the shot’s trajectory would be lower.

3. Utilize the body for power

All good golfers know that power of a swing comes from their body rather than their arms. To learn how to power the golf club with the body, make sure to position your club behind the golf ball at address and stay in a dead-stop posture. Attempt to drag the golf ball to the air without doing a backswing.

If you often use your hands to handle the club, it might be challenging at first. Nevertheless, you would quickly realize that once you begin moving the golf club with the body, the ball can fly to the air consistently. This would help you fully turn through the golf ball during the downswing.

4. Minimize slices with a solid plane

An open face at the contact point would lead to a slice. Moreover, it would also result in a faulty swing path even when the clubface is set to square to the ball at impact. Compared to hookers whose swing path tends to come too much inside in, these of slicers are vice versa. A good path should come just a little bit from your inside position.

You can improve this issue with what called the Box Drill. In this golf exercise, take the ball box’s top half and stand on the side. Align it parallel to the target line and try to make a path which enables the shaft to come slightly over that box. If you are a slicer, just put the box in the same line, just forward of your ball. Avoid hitting the box.

5. No flips

Flips or early releases of the club would happen when you get your body too far in front of the ball. It would lead to significant lag and result in an open face. Your hands would instinctually work in order to close the face on the address.

However, this timing level can be challenging even for professional players to perform consistently. What can happen more often is that the clubhead would race in front of the club’s shaft and strike the golf ball with a closed or open face, and usually with an ascending arc.

The main cause of this mistake is that your body can be out of balance or position. To fix it, just place an impact bag filled with towels, then push your clubhead inside and set the body in a good impact posture.

The shaft and lead arm should establish a vertical, straight line with your head back. Ensure that the lead leg will be braced and the hips should be turned open slightly. Hold this posture to have the right feel.


If you are a golf beginner who is just staring out with this great hobby then those perfect golf swing tips can be helpful in greatly speeding up your development. If you can swing a club greatly, you can play golf perfectly. It is that simple. The key is to practice regularly and have patience in the long term. Thus, make sure to integrate these exercises into your training sessions and you will become successful soon.

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