Golf Swing Shoulder Turn Tips To Quickly Improve Your Golf Swing


Many beginners and intermediate golfer find it difficult to to make long shots. Most of them are using their arms in order to generate distance and speed assuming that it can be achieved through swinging the arms faster and harder (which is not always possible).golf swing shoulder turn picture

Using your arms may be what is used in other sports, but it won’t be optimal for using it in your golf swing. It is partially true that arm swinging can initiate club head speed, which leads to improve distance , however such accomplishment are misunderstood.

A large portion of distance comes due to the body rotation. Proper body rotation comes largely from good rotation from the shoulders. Golf swing shoulder turn refers to the movement of the upper body and shoulder throughout the swing of the club and the swing sequence with the goal of accomplishing shot accuracy and distance. The golfer may rotate, turn or tilt the shoulders.

There are three major techniques that can be used for a good golf swing shoulder turn.

Backswing shoulders turn and tilt downswing shoulder turn Follow through shoulder turn.

Why it is important fro a golf swing to pay attention to proper shoulder turn?

There are two main reasons that make the shoulder turn important for a proper golf swing. Apart from the fact that it aids in distance, proper shoulder turn also helps the player to hit the golf ball with a perfect club angle. If we fail to permit our body to rotate the shoulders,which is a kind going against our body , the results achieved will be incorrect angle approach.

Finally, shoulder turn is absolutely significant for accomplishing accuracy. Most of the experts comment that more than distance, driving a shot in accurate direction is more important. In other words, distance covered by executing a good golf swing should turn is because of maximum creation of torque amount. Such torque creation leads in increase of speed and transforms it into distance.

Tips to achieve good golf swing shoulder turn

Find below the best ways to execute proper shoulder turn golf swing.

One easy way to achieve a proper backswing shoulder turn is to mainly concentrate on the back shoulder, and move the back shoulder towards the back and following it back in straight angle behind the head.

By doing this will initiate a force on the front shoulder to turn will help you achieve the swing in the right direction. During this execution, the sternum will be faced backwards, beyond the target location. 

Next comes the downswing shoulder turn. The downswing shoulder turn is the opposite of the backswing shoulder turn. Move your back shoulder forward aiming towards the ball. This position looks similar to that of address position, which is easy to execute. It can be quite tricky while performing a full swing. it is preferred to begin the follow through shoulder turn when you realize the impact. It is recommended to align your shoulders just parallel to the target line no later or earlier but at the time of impact.

Finally, to execute a correct follow-through shoulder turn in a right way, one can focus on their back shoulder again, after the impact has happened, following the golf ball towards the target. the follow thru on the shoulder turn is very important.

Drills to practice for better shoulder turns

It is difficult to measure both the shoulder tilt and rotation. It is quite easy to provide with all sorts of statistics and numbers related to the perfect angle that is required to achieve shoulder turn, but unless you are is putting himself or herself in regular practice drills then on the course, it is probably impossible to help. Instead, understanding the position and main concepts through proper and regular drills will be more useful for both beginners and intermediate golfers.

The Conclusion

Often times, both the shoulder turn rotation and tilt are ignored as a part of swing while playing golf. The significant aspect to keep in mind is that both right and left sides of the golf swing are fundamentally mirror-images, maintaining one side of the shoulder lower than the other side. The shoulders also are rotated 90 degrees away from the beginning position of the golf ball. If one can execute these things in their golf swing shoulder turn, you can expect to hit a straighter and longer shot.


Check out other golf articles: Golf Swing Mechanics      ,    Golf Swing Speed.

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