Simple Golf Swing Follow Through Drills To Help Your Golf Shot


Have you ever noticed professional golf players hit a golf ball and pose a few seconds while watching the ball land? It can be a great image, but everything happens for a reason. That follow through isn’t for the cameras, but can tell if the player went wrong or right. As a diagnostic tool, it would tell you everything about your golf swing.

Golf Swing Follow Through Drills Picture

It can be hard to have a good shot without finishing the swing properly. In other words, a poor finish or follow through would lead to a poor result on the courses. So, in this post, we’ll show you some simple golf swing follow through drills to improve your performance.

What makes a good golf swing follow through?

Before learning some golf swing follow through drills, let’s take a look at some factors that make a good finish:

– Club behind your head

The first thing in a solid follow through is that your club should finish behind your shoulders or head. This is a most natural position to complete your hands after a swing. It allows for full momentum and force to be slowed gradually without slowing too late or too early.

– Weight on the front side

Most of your weight should be on your foot or the front side to have a good follow through. By doing this, you can keep balance and shift weight through your impact zone. Also, it can maximize the head speed of your club and lead to greater distances.

Chest Facing The Target

The next element is that your chest should face the target, meaning that you have to rotate during a swing. This isn’t only a convenient position to watch your  shot but it also helps to achieve other factors in a good golf swing follow through.

– Balance

Staying balanced after a golf swing is important. This means that you would rest comfortably without falling to any side. With a good balance, you can exert the right amount of power or intensity during a swing.

4 golf swing follow through drills to improve your performance

It isn’t difficult to achieve all of these 4 factors. Below are some simple yet effective drills to help you improve your follow through after a golf swing.

1. Tap the back toe
In many cases, golfers often finish a follow through on the back toe. However, this position would place too much weight on this part, making it harder to pick up your foot and tap it easily. This drill will help you place the back heel up in the air and maintain the balance. First, you need to hit some balls and attempt to tap the back toe 3 times after each shot. If you would do this without hesitation and stand stable during the follow  through, then your position is correct. Make sure you can lift and tap your foot easily. This indicates that you have placed weight properly.

2. Hit balls on a 2×4

To improve your balance during a follow through, place a 2×4 wood piece on the ground. Stand on the piece so that you can maintain balance when at an address position. Next, hit a few balls while trying to stand stable. You would be aware of the unstable ground below you and swing under better control.  If you would hit and do not fall off the piece, then you might have good balance to complete a solid follow through during a golf swing.

3. Hold and push

The next drill is quite similar to the previous one. You need to hold yourself in each follow through for 5 seconds. By doing this, you can keep balance and  place weight properly in the right position. Once you have completed this, have someone push in your front or back slightly.

Notice which side you will fall and  how they push to make you fall over. If you fall forward easily, then you might have sufficient weight on your front side. Otherwise, it suggests that you are
placing too much weight on your back foot.

4. Throwing the baseball

Most of us would pick up and throw the baseball naturally with some fundamentals. During this process, your weight tends to shift from your back to front foot and finish on the front side, while the back heel raises up. These elements are similar to those in a golf swing. By practicing this drill and focus on the weight transition on your lower body, you can maintain the same shift of weight in a golf swing. This will create a better position for your follow through.

Your weight should switch naturally from the back foot to the front foot on the follow through with your swing.

(Check out other great golf drill articles  on this website. For your putting game view details on Golf Putting drills. Check out Golf Swing Takeaway DrillsView for more details on Golf Swing Tempo Drills.)

The bottom line
With these simple golf swing follow through drills, you can have a solid position to finish a shot correctly and powerfully. Keep in mind that the key to a good follow through is to make a good weight shift rather than focus on its movements. By practicing frequently and applying on the golf course, you will have an easier, more comfortable and natural posture to finish a golf swing just like your favorite professional.

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