Golf Putting Drills – The Best and Easiest Putting Drills


Very few golfers do not need help with their putting game? Golf putting drills covered in this article will help you with your putting game and your overall golf score. Though putting drill styles are normally overlooked by many golfers, but if you use these drills frequently you will definitely show improvement.

A great putting drill is to ensure you the face of your golf club is square with the ball on impact. That’s a simple putting detail that is easily overlooked. Concentrating on the club face being square on impact along with the direction you want the ball to roll are first skills to acquire when putting. Here are some styles of golf putting drills that will help you .

Golf Putting Drills



Golf Putting Drills

1.The 1-2-3 Style of Putting Drill

The 1-2-3 is a great putting drill style you can use to find rhythm prior to winding up your golf practice for any day. This is an ascention and basic golf putting drill. It is a putting drill that will assist you be able to develop a consistent, steady, putting stroke and give you the confidence of making more birdies as well as you are shooting lower scores.

To practice this kind of putting drill, place in a row three golf balls along a similar line at same distance. You should then roll putts beginning from the golf ball that is closer to the hole. Goif instruction made easy.

2.The Clock Putting Drill

The clock putting style of drill will help you easily shoot lower scores. This kind of drill will improve not only your confidence, but rhythm as well and ensure you are able to putt in pressure circumstances when participating in any liesure or competitive golfing event.

To practice this kind of putting drill, ensure first you are having twelve golf balls. Take the balls to your putting green and put them in a clock form around the cup at two to three foot intervals.

Begin with the four balls nearer the hole and practice your way outward. Then the goal will be to never miss a putt in this drill. If you miss a putt restart the drill from the beginning. You will get to the point where you will make every putt.

The purpose of this putter drill is to get you into a rythm. When you hit one putt then step into the next putt you aquire a rythm. on the golf course step to the side before you hit the put exactly like you would in this drill.

3.The Meter Stick Putting Drill

The meter stick style of putting drill is to putter-face impacting squarely on the ball so you have a great straight roll on the golf ball. To do this kind of drill you should look for a meter stick made of metal and put it at least five feet away from any target (or the hole). Place the golf ball accordingly on the end of the line and then hit your putt.

If your ball will stay on that meter stick all the way, this means that the putter face was square at impact , and this is want out of this drill. I like this drill a lot.

4.The Manilla Folder Drill

This kind of putting drill will help you manage to control effectively the momentum of your putts. The Manilla Folder style of putting drill is not only vital for lag putting, but also will help you avoid the dreaded three-putt.

To perform this kind of putting drill, set on your practice green a manila folder in a way that it is approximately eight feet from where you are on a flat surface. You should then roll putts in a way that they will stop on the manila folder. This is a good putting distance drill.

5.Tiger’s Gate Putting Drill

This drill which was developed by Tiger Woods will assist you to be able to develop confidence on the small distanced putts. To perform this kind of drill, put two tees four feet away from hole and ensure that they are wider than your putter’s head. Make sure you create a gate for the putter to be able to swing through.

If you are a left handed golfer, alternate hitting twelve putts with your left hand only, and vice versa for the right handed golfers, then six putts with both of your hands. Ensure you set several putts which you require to construct in a row prior to ending the drill.

Here is a basic putting drill to help you with the instinct to turn your head.

The Golf Tee Drill:

Place a golf tee in your teeth with the end pointed tip aimed at your golf ball.When you hit your putt, make sure the tee stays pointing at the original place the of the ball for 2 seconds are the putt is made.

That’s is all there is too it. The point of this drill is concentrate on pointing the tee to one spot, The result when
you keep your head down, the body position stays still and steady. This drill you can maintain control over your putt.

The 1 foot to 2 foot Drill

Studies of professional golfers have found this useful information. The pro golfers start their putt with a backstroke of 1 foot and follow thru with 2 feet after the ball is hit. In other words there is more follow thru then must golfers would realize.

Another finding is that pro golfers putting motion is from a low position behind the ball to a slightly raised position once the ball is struck an the putter is 2 feet forward from where the ball was originally positioned at the start of the putt. This tip alone should help you make more putts.

Another very important tip from pro golfers concerns the distance the ball should go once you hit the putt. Many big name golfs want the putt to just die when it reaches the hole. Interesting!

These are some of the golf putting drills you should practice on in your attempt to improve your skills of playing golfs. Make sure you exercise regularly on how to use them so that you can benefit from what they provide.

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