How To Hit The Golf Ball First – The Very Best Tips To Get Quick Results


Golf is not just a sport but a passion for many us. There are so many people, who just love to enjoy the game. There are others who are beginners have just started to develop their golf skills and have great interest in the game.  Basically speaking Golf is not just a game for professional golfers as we well know.

How To Hit The Golf Ball First Picture

Learning and enjoying is as good as playing it. Seeing that improvement in your golf game and the practice it self is just about as good as playing a round of golf. A common problem faced by beginners and mid-level golf players is that they miss hitting the ball. Another common problem is hitting the grass well before the golf ball. In this article, we will discuss how to hit the Golf ball first.

For Beginners

Today there are several parks that have mini golf clubs for kids as well. It helps in developing an interest in young minds for the game and encourage them to learn it.  When you first start the game of golf, everybody imagines themselves playing those winning shots as they see their favorite professional golf players on television.

It’s not a realistic measurement for most of us at first to live up to a standard of a golf professional, but there are things we can learn if we have the knowledge (like reading the articles on this web site) and watch with a keen eye. Golf game improvement  comes over time gradually for most.  

How To Hit The Golf Ball First?

I will not go into the science of it but will make it simple and easy for you to understand how to hit the golf ball first.
The iron or the Golf club ( in layman’s term) is an important selection.

Even if you have some interest in the game you know that each iron/wedge/driver is of a different length, weight, club face angle and design which helps in hitting different shots. With proper knowledge of which iron or any club visit Golf Clubs Explained for simple easy help. Print this guide off and put it in your golf bag for handy reference. For your very shortest shots learn the correct golf club selection at the post Golf Wedges Explained.

Step by step guide or how to hit the golf ball first:

Step1: At first you must know how to hold the golf iron or wedge. The grip is critical to understand. Often it is seen that beginners trying to hit the ball, throw away their iron after losing their grip. This happens due to low or poor grip on the rod. So learning how to hold the club is important.

Step2: Your stance or your foot position matters. How you stand or (your posture) is also very important to allow you to hit the ball properly which results in a more accurate shot. Many times I have seen people falling over while trying to hit the ball, this is due to bad body positioning. Your body pose and posture will help you build contact with the ground and give you the proper balance, helping you stay stable when you create the golf swing momentum to hit the ball.

Step 3: Learn how to Tee up the ball or simply put, learn how to place the golf ball correctly in the ground. All you need to do is, push the golf ball tee in the ground, deep enough, now you need to place the ball right in the Center. The clubface of the iron must hit  the center of the ball when you swing.

Step 4: Now, you must start to hit the ball by taking a half swing at first. The first half of the swing has to be slow and keep it steady. Now, remember that this swing has to be positioned right, keeping both the club and the ball in the center.

Step 5: Keeping the same page and position as you did in a slow half swing, take a full swing. But remember to maintain a good grip on both the club and keep your feet positioned properly. As you slowly increase the length of your swings, you will learn to develop that golf swing tempo. Continue this drill until you reach the full swing length while keeping the club in the center of the ball as you make the hit on the ball.

Step 6: Your body swaying too much can be a big problem for a a lot of golfers. To offset the body swaying put more of your body weight on the forward foot. 

Go to the practice range and try this (putting most of your weight on the forward foot) with your short range clubs(irons or wedges). Once you get the hang of this you should noticeably notice you should be hitting the golf ball first. Another useful tip , at the practice range try standing on just the front foot. This will help you get the feel of hitting down on the golf ball, which will cause you to hit the ball first.

Many golfer’s have a problem taking a big chunk of dirt out of the grass before hitting the ball. This happens not so much with a driver club (because with a tee your golf ball is elevated). Hitting before the ball happens in non driver shots in the fairway.

Remember that hitting a small divot with an iron is the way this club was designed. Taking out a small divot as the iron swings down on the ball is correct. The ball is compressed and takes proper flight depending on what iron you have choose. Another tip is not to swing at 100 percent maximum. Try swinging at 75%.

Another tip to help you hit the golf ball first is to move the ball back a bit further then it normally is and hold the club lighter.

By following these six simple and easy to learn steps, you will learn how to hit the golf ball first consistently. Remember golf is no rocket science, it a sheer balance between grip and position and confidence to make the right hit.

Many of these tips are minor swing adjustments. Practice with these tips and you sooner then you think will be hitting the golf ball first.

Once you have learned to make a proper golf swing. It will be then easier to make shots at different distances. But first master the golf swing basics, it’s important! Hope this would help you learn how to hit the Golf ball first even if you are a beginner or an average level golfer. If you have any other tips or suggestions don’t forget to post them in the comment section. 

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