The Stress-Free Golf Swing Review
The story of the Stress-Free Golf swing course was authored by Jeff Richmond . An interesting story evolved in the creation of the Stress-Free Golf swing. Jeff accidently discovered a secret swing movement that Ben Hogan made in his golf swing.
Jeff reports that he found this discovery on the 5th of March, 2015.
During this time frame Jeff made the discovery when he was studying twenty three great golfers swings for an article post he was writing. Jeff wanted to see what factor head movement played in great golfers swings.
Contrary to the traditional golf swing taught in most golf lessons the move and swing Jeff found in Ben Hogan is very different. Jeff then decided to try this out for himself. Jeff used this new method over a time.
He averaged twelve greens in regulation up from the average of ten greens in regulation. A huge improvement this was!
Jeff at this point knew he was onto something big. Going public was his next step. At first Jeff was a little skeptical and waited a long time because he didn’t think Ben Hogan had a secret would work for all people.
Continued testing by Jeff the realization was that his consistent phenomenal results could not be discarded.
Jeff was so excited he created courses showing videos and a very detailed PDF to show people how to execute this golf move. The next test Jeff offered his 100,000 plus golfers that followed him to try this new method on the golf course.
Would It Work?
The next step was to offer this program on the market for seven days to get a group of golfers to test it. The question was would this study group find this secret move would work for them as well as Jeff Richland. The time frame was November 20 2015.
On January 28 2016 Jeff contact this test group to get there response to the test.The results Jeff found were amazing. A small sample of the this test group can be found here.
What is the secret move Jeff found?
Copyright regulations and rules prohibit the disclosure of the details to the secret that was discovered. It can be said the secret is totally contrary to the traditionalless swing taught by most golf instructors and classes. This secret swing makes the swing timing much easier.
Jeff gives solid proof of Ben Hogan before his accident and after the accident. The proof is the illustration of this magic move. Ben Hogan stated about his secret move , “it’s easy to spot if you know where to look”.
This secret is very easy to notice.
With the Stress-Free Golf swing course one will receive videos and a PDF and videos that will teach you how to do implement this move in your golf swing. This move is a very short and simple move in theory. This move but for most people it will take some getting used to,because it is a contrary move to what is taught in the golf swing tips lessons and instructions which most golfers are using.
But when one gets this move down, the results are astounding.
Your golf swing should change to be much easier to perfect and time.
Repitetion of this new golf swing will be easy to repeat and simple.
I have tried many different types of swings over the years and The Stress-Free Golf swing is by far the best and simplest.
So if you want to hit the ball longer and straighter,
check out The Stress-Free Golf Swing.
Overall Opinion: Highly Recommended
Learn More Details On The Stress Free Golf Swing