Golf Chip Shot Technique – Best Tips Explained


A chip shot. What are some guidelines to improve your golf chip shot technique? For one thing for a good chip shot your technique is to have the near same consistency every time you try a chip shot. Picture a triangle from the club head to the golfers shoulders.

As you swing the club picture maintaining this same shape triangle through your full swing. Through your swing on a chip shot try not to break your wrists. You are looking for a consistent swing with a even stroke backward and forward through out the swing.

Golf Chip Shot Techniquen movement and will help deliver your weight throughout the shot and avoid having too much of a robotic motion and action.

What Is This Short

In golf, when we talk about chips, we are referring to short golf shots.This is done from a club with the help of a 5 iron to a sand wedge. The basic aim of this shot is to ensure that the ball comes in contact with the green and starts rolling as early as possible.

If you are able to ensure that the ball runs like a putt, you will be in a better position to judge or have a feel on how far it will go. We are sharing some useful tips and we are sure that it will help in getting to master this important and vital shot.


Rythm is very important to your golf chip shot. Picture your golf chip shot technique as being a very smooth in motion and somewhat slow. For the grip , make sure it is a light gripToo much of a strong grip and you will loose your feel for the shot. When you hit a chip shot you the angle when you strike the ball to be shallow This shallow strike will allow you to judge how far the ball will go with each chip shot.

Learn To Pick The Right Spot

The first point of reference is to be reasonably sure about the spot in which you want the golf ball to land. Focus on that spot before the shot.  It would be better if the ball is made to land on the putting surface because. This will make the next shot much simpler and easier. The green is of course flatter and easier as far as preparation is concerned.

This could make a big difference and the bounce also become more predictable. Your aim should be to try and avoid landing the chip shots on uneven, rough, and even sloping ground. Hence, the speed which you generate, the motion that you generate has to be carefully calibrated once you have chosen the right spot for your chip shot to land.

The Importance Of The Right Golf Club

There are 2 lines of thinking for golf chip shots in club selection.

1) You also should choose the right golf club. This is important because this determines the amount of room you will have between the hole and the landing point. The nearer the distance the better it is for you. For example, if you have just 12 feet distance, then you perhaps need a club that is more lofted. This is a club that has a face that is angled back from vertical.

This could be a club like a sand wedge. This will ensure that the ball doesn’t run too far. On the other side if the gap is bigger, say around 50 feet than you must go in for a straight faced club. If you have a course with longer grass, then you should look for a more lofted club.

Further the swing should also be longer and it does not matter where the hole is situated. Your aim should be to come out with a chip shot that takes the ball high enough and this in turn helps it to escape the longer rough and land in a smoother and easily manageable place.

On the other hand if the ball is lying in a depression or a low ground, you have to use a chip shot that is more lofted in approach. Your aim must be to move the ball back towards your stance and bring it closer to your right foot so that the shot works that much better.

2) Another thought golfers use for chip shots is to choose clubs irons 9 and 8 and a pitching wedge. Staying away from clubs that have too much lift like you sand or lob wedge. These 3 club choices will give you an all important balance in height and roll.

It will make your club choices simpler. Practice at the range with 3 clubs on your chip shots. You will get the feel of your chip shot. Then when you are in a round of golf you have it down.

3) Know your golf clubs especially your wedged. You can learn more at the article golf wedges explained.

I am myself like option 2.

The Importance Of Practice

On chip shot practice technique is too make some practice strokes. A smooth and balanced swing is very important in a chip shot. Your swing back and forth should be smooth and balanced. Do this several times with out the ball . Then add the ball. Then with the same golf swing tempo strike the ball. This practice technique will help you judge your distance better.

At the end of the day, there is no doubt that practice and only practice can make you better as far as golf chip shot technique in golf is concerned. It does not happen in one day and there are many players who must have practiced the chip short many dozens of times in a day and that too for months at length.

There are a few ways by which you could practice the golf chip shot better. A perfect example perhaps would be to practice in a driving range. When you are practicing in a driving range you can hit several dozen balls in a very short period, without the pressure of a match hanging over your head. 


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